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The Dating Bender

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A hysterical dramedy about a woman unhinged and at a crossroad. “Julian’s debut takes an unabashed look at a failed marriage, divorce, and dating under the scrutiny of a less than supportive family.” --former San Francisco Chronicle columnist, Adair Lara.

Here I am, on my knees in front of the Trevi Fountain, hoping like hell the legend is true. That the fountain gives you solace and love by a mere toss of a coin.

Why am I here, exactly? Let’s see…

It started with my parents telling me to get married. Of course, being the good Catholic girl I am, I did.

Needless to say, that marriage nosedived, and my parents weren’t exactly happy about it.

Newly ditched and shamefully disowned, I decided to follow the advice of Babs, a tart-of-a-mentor, who offered me a job in Colorado.

Her advice? Sex…and lots of it.

The temptation of freedom, to do whatever—whoever—I wanted was too damn strong for me to say no.

And that’s how it all started. The men, the sex, the journey…

The dating bender.

because everybody deserves a do-over

For readers who love Maria Semple, Candace Bushnell, and Taylor Jenkins Reid, THE DATING BENDER is a hilarious satire about dysfunctional family relationships, women who love the wrong men, and one epic hunt for happiness.

323 pages, Paperback

First published August 22, 2017

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About the author

Christina Julian

1 book53 followers
Christina Julian writes snarky rom-coms that celebrate the underdog and live to make people laugh. She adores dysfunctional leading ladies and the tangled twisty lives they lead. She adamantly believes there is nothing in life that can’t be conquered with a bodacious wine, strong cup of coffee, or a generously iced cupcake. When she is not tapping out her next novel or wrangling her 3-year-old twins, she can be found swilling and swirling in the name of research as a wine and food columnist in Napa Valley. She strives always to live her life to the extreme.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews
Profile Image for Karlita | Tale Out Loud.
109 reviews85 followers
February 15, 2018
Single, married, alone, divorced, disowned and almost excommunicated.

Samantha Serrano, an impulsive and a misfit of a daughter wanted to get out of her dysfunctional family who surprisingly have parents with a drunken stupor even they were being the loyal Catholics. But by marrying her best friend — was her for only ticket to start a new life fresh and anew.

Thinking she had escape the worst part and hell of her life, comes a new struggles she had to face. Being serious in the relationship department and bending the rules of dating, she met the Superstar, Long John Silver, Buff Boy and Mr. Pecs.

With a knack to read advices from every page of magazine available about life, sex and marriage — from Brides, Glamour and Forbes to InStyle, Cosmo and Self — will it help her to stop repeating the same thing (with disastrous results) from happening all over again?
I have rooted for Samantha all the way, from beginning until the end. A crazy, fantastic journey of her life who was feeling the lack of self-worth and support from her own family but instead suffers a great deal of condemnation where everything “Catholic” was a struggle. She thought that being free to do whatever and whoever was the answer to all her miseries.

She went from places like Colorado, New York and Italy but never she gain the love she wanted for herself. How many walks of shame she needed to put herself through before she realized that running away from all her problems were never been the best answer.

I understand why she have been the kind of person who had done things that I'm sure she's never been proud of. I felt how she became alienated, left out and unloved. Yes! She's funny, sweet and sometimes obtuse as she could be in terms of love — drinking and dating her way out to cope up from the hard knock of reality. But Samantha's character was also strong and determine. She knew that a series of failed romance and meaningless sexual tryst will never save her from herself.

It is from loving her own self despite of her countless misguided steps and indiscretions, will she finally be able to heal. She made mistakes but it is through forgiveness that she can only have the peace she always seek.

The Dating Bender by Christina Julian is a genuine, heartfelt and fun-tabulous story about denial, forgiveness and finding true destiny. A ferris wheel ride of emotions that will make you fear, laugh and cry all the way through.
It was time to stop blaming God and everybody else for my problems. What if it had been me all along?

***Thank you to the author, Christina Julian for generously providing me an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review!

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Profile Image for Julie.
583 reviews67 followers
August 1, 2017


You know how when you're driving down the road and you see an accident off to the side and you tell yourself not to be one of those annoying rubberneckers and then you find yourself looking anyway as you drive past? That accident is this book for me. I knew I shouldn't finish it but I'm no quitter and I just had to see if it could redeem itself. To put it nicely, it did not. This review is going to be rough and I'm going to try super hard to behave and be constructive with my criticism. But it will be difficult.

I was approached by someone to read this book ... it wasn't the author and I'm not entirely sure who she was ... the author's rep or a PR rep or something. Anyway, I was intrigued when I first read the blurb and I wanted to know more. But I'm going to be super honest right now and tell you I don't know where in the blue bloody blazes this blurb has come from because it doesn't even sound like the main character, Samantha and part of it doesn't go with the book. As I was getting this review together, I reread the blurb and what the hell ... I had to double check that I had the right book info because it did not match up to the book ... I mean seriously, W.T.F. Let's go to the 3rd sentence in this blurb ... it talks about the parents telling Samantha she needed to get married ... um ... in the book, it is made VERY clear in the VERY beginning that Samantha is getting married to ESCAPE her parents. That is really said quite a few times and I remember zero times that her parents were on her ass to get married. I could be wrong. Maybe her parents harped on her over and over but all I remember is the parents being uncaring douchecanoes and telling her they were going to disown her if she didn't do exactly what they wanted.

So she goes from that super healthy relationship with her parents saying ugly things to her constantly and immediately jumps into a super healthy marriage with a dude that I don't even think she knew well. Which would be fine, IF THAT WAS EXPLAINED. She seemed in love with him and totally sure about marrying him. Sheldon seemed like a nice dude and then he stops talking to her for months and treats her horribly? I mean come on. Unless the dude you're marrying is a sociopath, they wouldn't change THAT much after you get married. Yes, people change after they get comfortable in a relationship but to pull the stuff that this donkey, Sheldon, did? No. I doubt it. But then again, Samantha and Sheldon barely had a relationship at all. Not that you get the chance to find out that they didn't have a relationship with the way this book's timeline jumps around.

That's another thing. A distinguishable timeline is absolutely non-existent with this book. The author skips days, weeks and even months. And then the reasoning for the jumps from the main character are as flimsy as her marriage. There needs to be a REASON to skip 6 months. Hell, there should be a reason to skip even a week. Readers don't want stuff skipped over unless there is a payoff in the end from that skip. If the story is enriched by the skip, I'll take that. I'll even take it if the character slipped on her brother's cousin's dog's uncle's hat and she was in a coma for a month because she landed on a stack of Harry Potter books and knocked her head on a Monopoly box. I don't care what the darn reason is, just give one the readers a reason that does justice to the storyline.

This is the last thing I'm going to say and then I'll get off my soap box and the lovers of this book can take a moment to go grab their voodoo dolls and name them after me ... this main character ... Samantha ... I'm 98% sure she has never had an original thought in her entire life. She quotes magazine articles and tv shows like they are the damn bible and she worships them at an alter in her garage. I don't know if Samantha spouting off every five seconds what some nobody wrote on the pages of Cosmo or some other nonsense magazine is supposed to be endearing but it wasn't. It was irritating. It made me want to light my Kindle on fire.

I don't know why this book has enraged me so much. Maybe it's because the time I invested in what I thought would be a good book ... but this isn't the first time ... maybe it was the relationships or the lack of entertainment I found in the book. Who knows. It is probably a combination of things. I should ask someone at Cosmo why I didn't like this book. Or write in to Dr. Oz. What am I thinking, Oprah probably knows ... I bet she'd tell me why I didn't like this book and why I prefer the outside of the TicTac to the inside.

* I received this novel in exchange for an honest review *

Check out more of my reviews at Little Miss Bookmark!
Profile Image for Beneath The Covers Blog.
1,512 reviews504 followers
August 24, 2017
This is a hard review for me, I don't like rating books low, but this one just did not work for me. I read the synopsis and had high hopes for this book, but it fell flat. Between the too many magazine quotes that she read in an article, to the all the times she got drunk and vomited to all the months that jumped ahead, I just could not get into the story.

*an arc was provided in exchange for an honest review*~Alison
Profile Image for Amanda Floyd.
63 reviews
June 6, 2017
The Dating Bender was funny and heartbreaking at the same time. Samantha struggles with family life and her love life all while also trying to figure herself out. There were plenty of funny moments when Samantha tries to be sexy and its completely relatable. I found myself connecting with her simply because I know if I was in her shoes I would probably act the same way. She finds heartbreak and instead of crumbling it only makes her stronger. Part of the base of the story lies in her Catholic roots and diehard Catholic family. Having been raised in the church I saw many families like hers so it was again relatable to me. Defiantly a good read. The author did a great job of conveying all the emotions without it seeming forced. This looks like Christina Julian's first book and it surely did not disappoint! I'd recommend this.
Profile Image for Gina Meier.
446 reviews3 followers
June 6, 2017
This book will keep you reading just to find out what is going to happen next. Samantha's wedding kicks off this book with her husband Sheldon. Samantha's family doesn't necessarily put the fun in dysfunctional!! Do not eat or drink during this book because you may lose your contents. You will be laughing until you cry because of some of the scenes. I am glad that Samantha got the ending that she deserved. I was afraid at first but everything ended up just right.
Profile Image for Tina Morgan.
1,096 reviews11 followers
August 19, 2017
From the blurb of this book it sounded so good and so up my ally. Like I would absolutely love this book. And at the very beginning it started off that way but then it just started to fizzle and then I started to have to force myself to read this book. I didn't want to give up in case it redeemed itself so I struggled through. One of the worst things I hate to do is give a bad rating, hate it worse than anything because I know how hard these authors work at putting these books out. So I will say do not take my review to judge if you should read it or not. Just because I didn't enjoy this book doesn't mean that you won't. We all have different opinions. So it was just ok to me so I say if it sounds good to you read it!!
2,201 reviews87 followers
August 19, 2017
This story has a lot of potential and a good effort for a debut novel. The storyline was a little repetitive but it did tie everything up at the end. It just took a while to happen without a lot of excitement but there was action.

Samantha is a klutzy young woman who hasn't really grown up. This story takes you through the ups and downs of her twenties.

Samantha is a likeable character, I felt sorry for her at times but then at others I wanted to shake her soundly. Mind you with the dysfunctional family she was born into, it's a wonder she turned out as good!

Profile Image for Valerie Cooper.
155 reviews4 followers
July 1, 2017
What a thrilling yet exhausting ride! This book left me with two very strong feelings: thank goodness I'm married and thank God I'm not Catholic! I read this in one sitting and really enjoyed Sam's trials and tribulations of maneuvering through the dating world. Poor girl couldn't get a break. Until she did.
Profile Image for A Holland Reads.
438 reviews7 followers
August 22, 2017
This is the first book by this author and I found it enjoyable. I liked that it was fast paced. From the start I liked Samantha even though at times she made me crazy. I think there is a part of every woman that can associate with her at times. She can make you sad, mad and laugh all in the same book. The author did a good job of developing both the characters and the story. She made you want more with each page. A fun book for a rainy day.
Profile Image for Roxanne Davies.
183 reviews13 followers
September 5, 2017
Right I'm gonna be brutally honest in this review. I only got to 47% through this book before I had to stop as I couldn't read anymore. I'm not usually a quitter but I really couldn't go on with this book and here's why ....... When i first started this book there were nicknames given to each other by Sheldon and Samantha e.g. pooh bear and I found this extremely annoying as every other conversation started with an annoying nickname. 2. The storyline didn't do anything for me and I didn't feel there was enough going on and certain parts of the story felt like it skipped ahead. 3 The sex scenes were basic as in wham bam thank u mam with no description to get you all hot and bothered and lasted less than 30 seconds.
I honestly hate leaving negative reviews but I have to be honest.
Profile Image for Ashley .
1,113 reviews6 followers
September 13, 2017
It was not a good read for me. I found the book to be very strange as in it didn't match the blurb whatsoever, Samantha quoted too many tv shows and magazines for her whole dialogue, and the relationships and storyline were all over the place. There was too much drama that made no sense and I couldn't wrap my mind around what was happening most of the time. There was something redeeming in the end by giving Samantha some growth, but overall it was a bit of a mess.
Profile Image for Ana Manwaring.
Author 15 books15 followers
August 18, 2017
Discovering who we are, what we love and transcending our crappy upbringings (or just escaping them) can be an arduous journey fraught with difficult trials and disastrous errors. We’re inculcated with our parent’s values, unfulfilled desires and bad behavior from our earliest memories. Samantha Serrano, protagonist of The Dating Bender, is no different. The adult daughter of good Catholic alcoholics, she flees her dysfunctional family into a marriage that’s all wrong for her and begins her years-long fight to find herself amidst too much booze, too much sex, too much work, and too much of her critical and damning family.

Although at times I wanted to grab Samantha and shake her for her blind, helpless attitudes and behaviors, especially all the vomiting, I found her lesson to be similar to my own, and often much funnier. Author Christina Julian demonstrates the makings of a fine contemporary humorist in her first Rom-com. Her writing occasionally goes over-the-top with the boozy “wah-wah” of Sam’s pathetic life, but is redeemed in its modern wit, sarcastic humor, fast-pace and detail laden prose. The Dating Bender’s plot is rich in disaster and soul searching, and Samantha is a complex character with a wide range of emotions and behaviors that attest to Julian’s powers of observation and empathy. I like how she’s put it all together to lead readers through the arc of growing out of dysfunction into a satisfying conclusion of acceptance, forgiveness, and redemption.

I’m certain that Samantha Serrano is going to be a beacon for thousands of young women trying to balance their upbringings, their families, their work and their notions of God to create for themselves a healthy life, living free of outmoded thought, dogma and stress. Happiness? I hope everyone finds it, but sometimes the process of finding it is what’s compelling. The journey to master herself in a changing world (with dramatic style) and find peace and love is what draws us to Samantha. My heart went out to her as along the way she made so many of the mistakes I made. Samantha shows me that no matter how awful and wrong our origins, we can’t run away, but we can prevail in finding ourselves and establishing the life we should have. Weeks after reading The Dating Bender Samantha Serrano still haunts me.

I'm pleased to have been offered a digital copy of the Dating Bender for my honest opinion. I enjoyed the book.
Profile Image for Cindy Roesel.
Author 1 book68 followers
August 28, 2017
While second shots in life and romance are hard to come by, you can’t blame a gal for trying, and trying, and trying.
THE DATING BENDER (LimitlessPress) by debut author, Christina Julian is a laugh-out-loud satire about dysfunctional family relationships, women who love the wrong men, and one epic hunt for happily-ever-after. Can anyone reading this relate? Thought so.
Here’s Samantha’s story … and she’s sticking to it!
“Here I am, on my knees in front of the Trevi Fountain, hoping like hell the legend is true. That the fountain gives you solace and love by a mere toss of a coin. Why am I here, exactly? Let’s see…
It started with my parents telling me to get married. Of course, being the good Catholic girl I am, I did. Needless to say, that marriage nose-dived, and my parents weren’t exactly happy about it.
Newly ditched and shamefully disowned, I decided to follow the advice of Babs, a tart-of-a-mentor, who offered me a job in Colorado. Her advice? Sex…and lots of it.
The temptation of freedom, to do whatever–to whoever–I wanted was too damn strong for me to say no. And that’s how it all started. The men, the sex, the journey… The dating bender. Because everybody deserves a do-over.”
Samantha Serrano surely does deserve a do-over. She’s grown up in a dysfunctional family, tightly wrapped around the pious teachings of the Catholic Church. They seem to have missed the passage about not judging one other.
After Samantha’s wedding implodes – the one her father walked her up the aisle completely inebriated – Samantha is on the hunt for the perfect relationship. Soaked in the guilt of having gotten divorce and her families’ constant criticism, she finally breaks free following the advice of Babs – a woman without any hangups! We love the darling!
I enjoyed reading Christina’s rom-com, THE DATING BENDER. I could totally relate to the klumsy gal with a heart of gold. I personally remember going down a similar road, with a good amount of judgement by my side. From my perspective now, it’s funny to look back, but while I was in the thick of it, the laughs were few and hard to come by. Samantha is clumsy, drinks too much, works too hard and has lots of sex. I found myself cheering her own, as she spread her wings and became her own person. I enjoyed her perky, positive, personality, once she dropped off the remorse and shame. THE DATING BENDER is the perfect rom-com to sit down with a nice chilled Pinot grigio for a couple of hours. Once Samantha sets her eyes on a goal: in this case, A RELATIONSHIP … no one is going to judge her or get in her way.
Fabulous cover! I love the colors and the sassy attitude! FYI: Having grown up on Long Island, I can tell you South Hampton is spelled Southampton.
Profile Image for Brooke.
802 reviews40 followers
August 22, 2017
For the full review go to: http://lattesandpaperbacks.com

Samantha grew up in a traditional catholic family. Church every Sunday and your parents scolding you when you did something wrong according to the Bible. Even when she did something not of their liking they would kick her out of the family until she righted the wrong doing. Until she marries Sheldon, her best friend. Her parents didn't agree with her marrying Sheldon but she saw it as a way to get out from under their roof and crazy antics.

Until she got a wakeup call that marriage isn't always what it seems to be. Especially when your first wedding anniversary doesn't go near to plan. And when Sheldon up and takes a job in Atlanta and up and leaves her to go work, she is more than motivate to take the job she was offered in Colorado. Of course, her parents disagree and tell her that once again she is making a huge mistake! She is determined to do what she feels is best for her. All goes well until she is found in a compromising position several times until she cant get herself out of the mess she has made.

Samantha goes on a journey of self discovery and dating blunders to rival even the biggest hot mess you know, all while hearing her mother speak to her in her mind with every misstep she takes.

Samantha is one of those people you cant stop staring at because they are such a wreck but rightfully so because of her parents. She tries to cop through the different scenarios with drinking, flirting, and sex. Who can blame someone for using the coping mechanisms they know?

Disclaimer: I received this book from Get Red PR, Limitless Publishing , and Christina Julian in exchange for a review. All opinions stated are my own and not influenced by the exchange.
Profile Image for Pamela Greving.
125 reviews
August 23, 2017
Samantha is the epitome of a hot mess. She gets married to Sheldon to escape her parents. When Sheldon gets a job offer away from home, Samantha starts on her own journey to find herself.

I wanted to love The Dating Bender. Unfortunately, I'm not sure my sense of humor lined up with the author's. The author has a lot of potential, however, there are some things that would have helped me like this book more. I felt there were way to many plugs for different magazines, television shows, and music artists. It seemed like every other page was something Samantha had read in a magazine. A little of this would have been ok, but it seemed a bit overwhelming. The story also felt like it was a little all over. Samantha never really kept the same friends over the course of the book, and by the time you got used to a character, they were gone. Also, even though I am not an intensely religious person, I could have done without some of the bashing of the Catholic religion. Touching on the stereotypes of a religion is one thing, but Vatican scene was a little much. I am giving The Dating Bender 3 stars. I needed a little less when it came to the magazine advice and a lot more when it came to the relationship developments.

As I always like to remind people reading my reviews, just because it wasn't for me doesn't mean you won't like it. We all have different tastes, and this book may be something you enjoy. An author makes a great effort to write stories and it takes a lot of courage to place that heart and soul out there for the world to see. I try very hard to not be rude during a review, and I would hope as a reader you would remember that authors are people too!
Profile Image for Pam.
1,624 reviews16 followers
August 22, 2017
3.5 Stars

This is my first Christina Julian read and I have to tell you I did certainly enjoy the humor and laughs while reading. Her twist on the world of dating and finding yourself was certainly different.

When we meet Samantha she has one goal, marry Sheldon and get away from her family and their scrutiny. When life gets in the way she finds herself divorced and not exactly sure what to do with herself next. As you read on you get to have a few laughs at Sam's expense while she discovers where and what she wants out of life both in a relationship and career. When she finally meets Justin and things seem to be smoothing out she gets a little scared.

Will her visit back to the church help her realize what she really wants. Will she find herself and her HEA?

While I did enjoy this books humor and its fast pace, I didn't feel a good connection with the characters. The story was well written but I didn't feel sucked in by this book and sometimes found myself wandering away from reading. I will be sure to keep an eye out for more Christina Julian as I am certain she will be writing more for us.

*** Advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review. ***
Profile Image for Angela.
368 reviews
August 22, 2017
I honestly had high expectations when it came to this book. This is exactly my type of book, a little bit of drama, a sassy female lead, and hot steamy sex. However by about 20% of the way through the book, I had a feeling this book was not what I had hoped it would be.

For debut novel this had great potential, but the repetative nature of the storyline and the flat characters do not help the story develope in the way we would all hope.

By 50% of the way finished I was still unable to connect to the story or any of the characters. Feeling at this point I had given the book an honest shot, I chose to not complete it.

Because I did not finish the book, I can not give an honest recommendations to other readers. This book is more possibly just not my cup of tea, everyone should give it an honest shot before passing judgement.

*i have recieved this ARC in exchange for an honest review*
367 reviews14 followers
August 23, 2017
Samantha Serrano is a young woman from an apparently devout Catholic family. She gets married for the wrong reasons and ends up divorced, which her parents do not take kindly, and then tries to move on with her life away from them.
I only made it up to 57% of this book, but after 2 days of torture could not keep going. There’s no coherent timeline and, what some people might find funny, and found borderline offensive not to mention other things I can tolerate if they bring something to a plot I honestly couldn’t find in this story.
The blurb of this book lead me to believe it was something it’s not and after reading more than half of it, my only conclusion is that this woman is a moron that has no clue what to do with her life.

1 star
*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Mrs Mommy Booknerd http://mrsmommybooknerd.blogspot.com.
2,175 reviews92 followers
August 22, 2017
FirstLine ~ Dad was tanked, which was no surprise, yet he stood eager and ready to walk me down the aisle.

I enjoyed this book. There is no good way to face your future when your past is one that was not perfect. It is easy to follow the road that leads to self destruction because that seems like the way we are destined to go, but our future is our own to form and I loved watching Samantha grow and change and create her own path. I could relate to this book and found it to be a quick and interesting read. There was something very satisfying about this book. A great read for the end of summer for early fall.
Profile Image for Debbie.
21 reviews
June 11, 2017
I can definitely relate to Samantha's plight. Life seems to spiral and yet she holds her own, living and learning. Having moments of laughs, friendships, hookups, loves, and breakdowns sometimes left wondering why me ?
Growing up a Catholic myself, I definitely could relate to her parents being the way they were and the guilt trips you can put yourself through.
Samantha reminds me of something Marilyn Monroe once said, "I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I'm not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love." And to really love her back.
I enjoyed this book and will look forward to what Christina puts out next.

Profile Image for Melissa Shain.
3 reviews1 follower
June 22, 2017
This was a great book. Once I started to read it I simply couldn't put it down. From start to finish it kept me interested and wanting to know more. Loved it! I will be definitely telling friends about this one.
Profile Image for Cassandra.
1,346 reviews
November 16, 2017
I received a complimentary copy.

Wowsers that's a doozy. This author put a little too much raunchy into this book. It just did not really go anywhere with all of its too much attempt at funny. The added over drunken times and more risky wording made this book stand offish. Just not something I could recommend easily. There are people out there that crave and need this kind of material and for them I would highly recommend.
1,405 reviews10 followers
June 15, 2017
This book was full or sarcasm, wit, blunders, and fun. You'll find yourself cheering for Sam and hiding your face for her in embarrassment in alternating moments. The characters are real and flawed and sarcastic. I enjoyed the characters and plot. I appreciated the author weaving a tale that wasn't fluffy and perfect. It was messy and real. Enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Danielle Dunbar.
22 reviews
July 31, 2017
Well a quizzical read. I loved some of the characters in this book and got with the mindset of the main character. I felt the story did jump quickly in places and could have done with a little bit more detail in some on the settings. She's a little barmy but aren't we all sometimes when we let our libido rule our hearts and heads. A good holiday/ travel read.
Profile Image for Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read.
3,440 reviews112 followers
August 26, 2017
I love a good romantic comedy and I had high hopes for this one, but it fell flat for me. I didn't find Samantha at all likable. She has loads of Catholic guilt, but that doesn't prevent her from sleeping with someone else while she's still married, or from sleeping with a married man. Cheating in fiction doesn't offend me, it is fiction, after all, but the actions just don't work with her guilt. Between the bed hopping, drinking, and inability to control her gag reflex, she's also indecisive and seems to always be looking for something or someone better. The only person I had any empathy for in this story was Sheldon, Samantha's hapless husband. I get that he was out of touch with the marriage, but he did at least explain himself. The author falls back on slapstick and repetition a lot more than I cared for and in my opinion, vomiting just isn't funny past a certain age. There are also a lot of time jumps, making the story choppy. From reading the blurb, I felt like the story had great potential, but everything considered, it wasn't for me and I don't think I'll be reading future books from this author.
Profile Image for United Indie Book Blog.
4,587 reviews85 followers
June 23, 2017
Hot mess alert!! Samantha is just one big hit mess and I love her! I do have to say some chapters were slower than others but I overall enjoyed reading Samantha's laugh out loud, don't read in public and sometimes heartbreaking story. I am looking forward to reading more from Christina Julian.

Review by Raychel
Profile Image for Patrycja.
942 reviews14 followers
August 29, 2017
I don't usually read this kind of novels, but description convinced me it may be a fun story.
Unfortunately after I finished it I can only say, that this is not a story for me.
It reminds me of "Sex and the City " show. Woman is chasing man and it is all about sex.

Synopsis: Samantha Serrano is getting married to escape her family. When she has a problem, she looks for help into women's magazines. Raised in Catholic family, it is hard for her to keep her parents proud and happy, especially when not even a year into marriage she gets divorced. From there Samantha's life looks like a teenager girl, looking for hookups and believing that every next guy is the one.
How grown up woman can be so naive?
Maybe some will find it a fun and good beach read. It just wasn't a novel for me.
Profile Image for Sassy Southern Book Blog.
5,055 reviews268 followers
August 29, 2017
From the blurb of this book it sounded so good and so up my ally. Like I would absolutely love this book. And at the very beginning it started off that way but then it just started to fizzle and then I started to have to force myself to read this book. I didn't want to give up in case it redeemed itself so I struggled through. One of the worst things I hate to do is give a bad rating, hate it worse than anything because I know how hard these authors work at putting these books out. So I will say do not take my review to judge if you should read it or not. Just because I didn't enjoy this book doesn't mean that you won't. We all have different opinions. So if it sounds good to you read!! -By Tina I really hate giving lower than 3 stars this hurts my heart
Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews

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